The heat is starting to get to me!!! I try so hard to be "green" and save energy, but trying to hang out laundry in this heat is killing me...yes, it dries fast and smells great, but I am sweating so bad by the time I am done, is it worth it??? Once I get it all hung out my energy level is almost non existent, by the time I recover, its time to take it all down. I will be glad when this heat wave breaks and we start to get more cooler weather. I am not lookin forward to all the cold air of winter (I am summer girl) but the coolness of fall will be most welcome.
Reading online the past few days, alot of fellow pagans are getting a lil upset over some post's ppl are making. There has been a lot of talk and yes, arguing about different topics...All I see is that we (pagans, wiccans, etc) are turning into the "we are right, you are wrong" type of ppl. I read a post about if you can call your self a wiccan, if your not from a traditional/linage path that can be traced to Gerald Gardener. I have to admit, I am a bit confused about that. When I started out on this path many years ago, Scott Cunningham was my first exposer to wicca, so I ( like many ppl) used his book "the solitary practitioner" and did a self dedication. Does that make me less a wiccan? I don't think so. I choose a solitary path, having seen to much dogma and stuff working with different covens. The 2 things that gets me riled the most is the this is right way and your doing it wrong argument and tearing down other pagan/wiccans (because of books they have written or comments they have made) . Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has an opinion!!! I feel that if you don't like a particular author, don't buy the book!!!! We (pagans/wiccans) get enough accusations form non pagans/wiccans, we don't need it from each other too. There I feel better now....
ok the rant is done...atleast for now, til I read my forums later on!!! lol
now i got to go be productive (blah) and actually get work done, gotta pay those bills......have a blessed day!!
Blessed Be
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